Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Get Your Creative Freak On"

Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you all are enjoying your break!
While stumbling around on the net this break I stumbled upon another blogger's stumble.
While we are supposed to be starting to think about our next type project this article, 201 Ways to Arouse Your Creativity, might come in handy. Check it out:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Illuminated Letter

Project Four:
Project four for typography I. was to create three illuminated letters based on the styles of three famous artists. An illuminated letter is an embellishment, or additional decoration that enhances the pages of a written or, manuscript page.

Ansel Adams

Edward Penfield

Lester Beall

The three artists I chose to use for my final project are Lester Beall, Edward Penfield, and Ansel Adams. I originally chose Guercino, however, after much failed attempts to create something that worked, I switched to Adams. This project was one of the more difficult ones of the semester for me. I'm not sure if maybe it was because of everything else I had going on that was due before this one, or if it was just me loosing steam at the end of the semester.
The piece that I am most happy with is Penfield's. I think it best represents the artist and the key image that i chose. The final piece looks quite a bit different than many of my sketches. However the 'P' that I had drew was one of my original sketches.
A major accomplishment for me during this project was gaining the skill of using the stylus. I was having difficulties using real water colors and paints and making it look similar to the key image. The stylus helped me create an image that looked similar to paint, without actually using the medium. While I used it for the Penfield piece, I think I made the most success with the stylus when creating the clouds for the Adams piece. I had a lot of fun experimenting with darks and lights to create a sky.
